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Connections and Following

Like many social media platforms, ours allows you to follow and connect with other people. This will appear slightly different depending on your device. But look for this icon to navigate to the section where you can see and add connections. All connections require a request and approval process. Following does not require approval. When you follow someone, you will see their public poses in your feed. However, so see posts that are for connections only, you need to have requested a connection with somone and been approved by them.
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When you navigate to the members area, you will be able to search for people you’d like to connect with. To follow, simply click the follow button. To add someone as a friend, click the icon.

Once you request a connection, the icon will change to pending while you wait for the person to approve the connection.

Likewise, you can send the person a private message by clicking on the envelope icon.

The recipient of a connection request will get a notification. When they click on it, they will be given the opportunity to accept the request or ignore (decline) the request.

You can navigate to this screen by clicking on your profile picture and selecting “My Connections” (which shows all your connections) and then selecting the requests icon which only shows pending requests.

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Our app unleashes the power of groups by combining them with resources. Not only can you interact with a group of your friends in a group, but you can participate in a resource together.

Posts in a group are automatically private to the participants of the group. They will appear in your group feed, but you may also see posts to groups you belong to in your activity feed.

Anyone can create a group and a group can be public, private, or hidden. If it is public, anyone will be able to join. If it is private, members will need to request access or be invited, but the group will be publicly visible on the groups page. Hidden groups will not show up on the groups page or in any searches, so members will need to be invited by the group owner.

Look for this icon to navigate to the section where you can see, join, and create groups.



By navigating to the resource section (look for the resource icon ), you will find a trove of resources that focus on living meaningfully.

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Click on any resource to see options for how to use them.

You can almost always do a resource on your own. However, you can leverage the power of our platform and your community by choosing the “Do With Friends” option.  

When you select the “Do With Friends” option, you will be guided through the process of creating a group. All group members will now have access to the resource and you can do it together and meet in person or online to discuss it.

When using most resources, you can answer questions interactively inside the resource.

If you are doing the resource on your own, you will only see an option to enter private answers to questions. These answers can only be seen by you.

If you are doing a resource in one or more groups, you will also see an option to enter answers publicly. What this means is that others in all your groups where you are using the resource will be able to see your public thoughts in the shared tab. If the shared tab is not visible it is because there are no public comments by others on the question.

When you are discussing the contents of the resources in person or online, having the app open will allow you to see your and others’ notes and lead to better interactions.

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Social Media

Like many social media apps, ours also allows you to post content publicly, to your connections, privately, or in groups. We do not support stories or broadcasts as the primary purpose of our app is to facilitate real-life connections.

We do not manage your feed to achieve any kind of ulterior motive. As your connections post things, their most recent post will appear in your feed. You will only see activity posts from your own timeline, your connections, members you followed, groups you joined, and posts you are mentioned in. 

You and others can like or comment on your posts. If you notice offensive content, you have the ability to report it and/or block users. See the SAFETY section for more details.

Manage Account

Getting Started

Once you register with us, you will see a meter that will guide you through the setup process. It is not complicated. You can click on any item below the meter and it will take you to the place where you need to enter information.

Completing this section makes the app more enjoyable for everyone as they can see basic information about you.

In addition to completing those few essentials, you should go to the members section and add a friend (connection) or join/create a group, or explore the resources.

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Manage Account

Your Settings

By clicking on your avatar, and selecting “My Profile” you can get a menu with various settings.

In “My Profile” you can access and update your name and bio information. You can also see your wall feed by selecting the icon. You can see who you are connected with and pending connections by selecting the icon. You can see your active groups as well as any group invitations by selecting the icon. You can see all the resources you are subscribed to by selecting the icon. You can also send invitations to non members using the icon.

More importantly, under this main menu when you click on your avatar, you can see and option that says “My Account”.

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From your account setting, you can update your email or password.

Under “Privacy” you can select what parts of your profile are visible and to whom.

Under “Blocked Members” you can see and manage any blocked users.

Under “Group Invites” you can specify who is allowed to invite you into groups.

Under “Export Data”, you can get a zip file of the data you have put on the site.

Manage Account

Deleting Your Account

To delete your account, click on your avatar and select “My Account” and then choose “Delete Account”.

Under “Delete Account” you can delete your account and all your data. This is an irreversible function. Once deleted, your information will not be recoverable.

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Manage Account


To manage your email notifications, click on your avatar and select “My Account” and then choose “Email Preferences”.

Under “Email Preferences” you can indicate which types of activity will generate a notification.

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Reporting Abuse or Spam

To report offensive or abusive content, you click on the ellipses on any post and select “Report Post”. You will then be asked for more information about what you are reporting.

If you select “other” you will be asked to provide more information.

If a post receives 5 reports, it is automatically removed until the post is reviewed by an administrator. All other reports are reviewed within 24 hours of it being reported.

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Blocking Users

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The easiest way to block a user is to click on their name. This will take you to that user’s profile where you will see a banner with their name.

From here you can click on the elipses and select “Block”. You will be asked to confirm.

Once you block a user, you will no longer see their posts, you will not be able to mention them, you will not be able to invite them into groups, you will not be able to message them, and they will be removed from your connections. They in turn will no longer be able to communicate with you on the platform.

To unblock someone, you can go to you account settings and select “Blocked Members”.


Posting Safely

There are a number of areas we want to address when it comes to posting safely. We hope that given the purposes of this platform none of these things become an issue, but just in case, please refer to the area of your concern.

Sharing nude or sexual photos/videos is a violation of our  guidelines and will get you banned from the platform. If someone asks you for any compromising contents, you can tell them that it is not permitted on this site.
Whenever compromizing content is shared on this or any platform, it is important to think about how it would impact you if those photos or videos got out of your control. This can happen the instant you share anything.
Beware of mistakes, playing stupid jokes, or acting in anger and so share things that you shouldn’t.
If you’re under the age of 18, it’s especially important for you to know that sharing nude or sexually explicit images of minors, whether on the web, mobile phones, by mail or any other way, is illegal in most countries and could have serious legal and life-changing consequences for both the creator of the images and anyone who requests them.
The safest thing you can do is never share nude photos/videos—or anything else you wouldn’t want other people seeing — to anyone, even if you feel very close to the person asking for them.
If someone you care about asks you to share a nude photo/video or leave this platform for a private web chat and you don’t want to, tell the person that it makes you feel uncomfortable. If this person really cares about you, they will understand.
If anyone tries to threaten or intimidate you into sharing photos/video, just refuse. If it continues, tell someone you trust or contact the police. You may also want to block the person and report them.
Also remember that when you allow someone to follow you, they may see the personal information you’ve shared on this platform (like your personal website URL, pictures, videos, or who follows you). The best way to stay safe is to only accept followers that you know well outside of this platform.

If someone is threatening you or threatening to share private information about you (especially compromising photos or videos) with others, please see  

If someone is threatening to share things you intended to be private and asking you to send them money or anything else, you have options:
  • Contact local law enforcement and report this to them.
  • Report this person to us.
  • Block this person. Depending on your privacy settings, people on this platform can see a list of your connections and who you follow. Once you block someone, they no longer have access to your profile.
The safest thing you can do is never share something you wouldn’t want other people to see, even if you feel like you trust the person asking you to share.
If you’re under 18
If you’re under 18, we recommend talking with a parent or other adult you trust to help you think through what to do. Here are other resources for you to consider:
  • Contact a crisis hotline or chat service. These can be found all over Canada and the US and in many other countries. This is a good option if you want to remain anonymous while deciding what to do. Crisis lines can also often refer you to a victim advocate or other legal adviser near you.
  • Contact a legal aid society or organization near you for free advice.
  • Ask a lawyer or other counselor for advice.
  • Talk to a school counselor or administrator.
We understand that it can be frustrating when online interactions become difficult. You may have had an argument with someone else or come across posts that you find offensive.
The resources on this page can help you successfully approach the conflicts you may experience. We hope they’ll provide helpful solutions.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please contact your local authorities right away.
Smaller conflicts
Consider the context
  • When you see an upsetting post, caption, or comment, consider the larger conversation it may be connected to. Step back and determine the context of the post.
  • It’s possible that the post is part of a trend or may be referring to something that’s not obvious. Be curious and ask clarifying questions before jumping to conclusions.
  • Review all information related to the post or the full profile of the person who shared the post to understand the whole story.
Think before you comment
  • When you find yourself in a dispute, stop and think about the effect your next post might have. In these moments, ask yourself, “Is this worth it?” or “What do I gain if I continue to engage in this conflict?”
  • While it’s easier said than done, acknowledging harassment by engaging in harassment yourself can reinforce bad behavior and may encourage the other person to continue their aggressive behavior.
Block and ignore
  • When you receive unwanted communication from another person, consider blocking that person and end any communication.
  • Specifically, this will prevent that person from following you or searching for your profile.
  • The person may lose interest once they realize that you will not respond or that they can no longer interact with you.
When a dispute or abuse goes too far
Some situations are more serious. Below are some suggestions for where to go to get help.
Reach out to the people you trust
  • When dealing with negative or hurtful interactions, it can help to turn to family and friends for support and advice. Talking it out with your relatives or a close friend may help you figure out how you want to handle the situation or let you express your feelings.
  • However, we also recognize that options may be limited or your situation might be more serious. If you don’t have someone to talk to about what is happening online, there are many online resources that can help:
Report a violation
  • If you believe an account isn’t following the terms and conditions of our community, you should report abuse with our in-app reporting. This is the fastest way to get abusive posts or profiles reviewed.
  • If you’re experiencing repeat or extensive abuse, if a hate account has been created using your likeness, or if abuse persists after taking preventative measures, you can report the account to us by contacting us. Please provide all necessary information in your report; this will help your issue be resolved as quickly as possible.
Contact local law enforcement or legal representation
  • We’ll investigate every report we receive. However, when an argument appears to have gone beyond the point of a personal conflict and may have turned into a credible threat, whether it be online or offline, you should contact your local authorities. They are in the best position to assess the threat and intervene or help as necessary.
  • If we are contacted by law enforcement directly, we can work with them and provide the necessary information for their investigation of your issue.
  • If you feel that your online dispute is legal in nature, please seek advice from a lawyer. We can’t offer any legal advice, and we can’t provide information about people who use our service except as required by a valid legal process.


Privacy Policy

Please refer to our privacy policy.


Terms and Conditions

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

Contact US

Your questions and concerns matter to us and we do our best to respond to each one as necessary. Please use the form below and someone will reach out to you shortly.